Seed Garden
When starting the Seed Garden, the most important basis has been to bring into the garden only seeds and plants from reliable sources. This means we make sure to exclude materials from genetically modified organisms (GMO) as well as hybrid plants or other artificial manipulations. In general, our materials are from bio-dynamic or at least organic or sometimes wild origins. Almost exclusively we have known the providers of the seeds and plants for many years, sometimes decades and we know their dedication to high-quality planting materials.
Our first goal is to make these seeds grow in Palawan, the second goal is to evaluate them and the third goal is to establish them as local varieties that can be grown by anybody in the region. These seeds are meant for sale and exchange! We even have a Seed Library! Our seeds are cleaned, processed, dried and stored in and on the Seed House. Similar to traditional Cordillera Houses, it provides protection against animals like mice and rats and it has a view deck for the observation of the night sky and for the drying of the seeds. Finally, the fourth goal has to do with the fact that our seeds are not only physical, but also spiritual. These seeds are planted in our so-called seminars, an appropriate translation of which is: sowing event. In the last few years we have sowed many, many such seeds which hopefully will help shape a good and worthy future, just the way Jimi Hendrix has put it: “When the power of love has overcome the love of power, the world will see peace.”
You can borrow seeds from the Seed Library and give them back later. The condition is that you can prove you work with bio-dynamic or at least organic methods. You can pick up seeds from the farm and bring them back or you´ll have to pay for shipment if they need to be sent by freight service. Just e-mail us at [email protected].
Social Renewal starts with healing the earth. Seeds are a cultural good owned by all of mankind.